The best books I’ve read in 2024 (so far)

June is nearly done, and we’re heading into the second half of 2024. Somehow I’m not as excited about the latter months as I normally am. It’s almost like something is lurking in November that’s going to suck a whole lot of emotional energy out of my life and cause a bunch of stress.


But we don’t have to talk about that today. Today, I want to shine a spotlight on the best books I’ve read this year so far. Sadly, I haven’t read as much as I would have liked. But what I’ve lacked in quantity I have made up for in quality. I have read some very, very good books so far in 2024.

As always, this list is set up from number ten to number one. Some are fiction, some are nonfiction. All were well worth a read.

You Like It Darker by Stephen King

You know this is going to be a good list when the last one, the one that barely got in, is the Stephen King book.

I did a whole review of this book on Haunted MTL so I won’t rehash that here. Suffice it to say, this short collection was great. My favorite story was Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream. It was fantastic.

Ghost Hunters by Ed and Lorraine Warren

This was a fascinating read. The Warrens discuss some of their best-known cases clinically and insightfully. I learned a lot.

The Mighty Goddess by Sally Pomme Clayton and Sophie Herxheimer

This book told some fantastic stories about goddesses. Some I’d heard of before. Some I am very familiar with. Some I’d never heard of before. If mythology and deities are a passion for you, this book is a must-read.

Undoctored by Adam Kay

This is a follow-up to a book we’ll be talking about later in this post. If you haven’t heard of him, and you haven’t read my Christmas Books That Aren’t Romance series, Adam Kay was a doctor in the UK. Now he writes about why he is no longer a doctor in the UK, among other things. This book is a collection of stories about his life as a doctor, and his life after leaving. It is funny, but it’s also incredibly dark. Be warned.

Art Magick by Molly Roberts

This isn’t the sort of book you read cover to cover. It’s a collection of art spells, most of which I’ve completed.

If you are a witch, or just artsy, get this book. The crafts are accessible and fun. The art in the book is so colorful and fantastic. I love everything about this book.

Rift by Cait West

Escaping from a high-demand religion is something I understand. But I had it easy. Cait had it far worse. Her father was a pastor, and she was forced into a special form of purgatory known as being a stay-at-home daughter. Everything in Cait’s life was controlled by her father. This book was harrowing, but it was also inspiring. It seems to say that you can get out. You can live how you want to live. I loved that.

This is going to hurt by Adam Kay

See, I told you we’d get there. This is Going to Hurt is the first book by Adam Kay. It’s a sometimes lighthearted, sometimes dark, always funny look at being a doctor in the UK. I learned some things I didn’t want to know. I heard some stories that stuck with me. I also heard some stories of things being stuck in the human body that should never have been there.

Bone by Jeff Smith

I’ve read Bone before, but it’s been a while. If it’s been a while for you, please go and read it today. It’s a good thing to read in the summer.

Bone, if you haven’t read it, is a wonderful story of an unlikely hero, a hidden princess and dragons. It’s everything you want in a good story. The artwork is funny to look at, and beautiful at the same time.

The Hacienda by Isabel Canas

This book was sold as a cross between Rebecca and Mexican Gothic. This was catnip to me. Realizing one of the main characters was a Catholic priest and a witch was just homemade buttercream icing on the cake.

I did a whole post about why this book works, so I won’t take a lot of time here. But it was a fantastic book that blended a great haunted house story with a sweepingly beautiful picture of Mexico. If you haven’t read it, go read it.

Mister Magic by Kiersten White

This is, by far, the best book I read this year. And it kind of wrecked me for like a month after I read it.

I reviewed this book on Haunted MTL, so again I don’t want to rehash that here. But the clear analogy, like smack you in the face clear, to the religion I was raised in, was almost too much. I bawled while reading this book. If you are healing from the LDS church specifically, but any high control group in general, this book might help you heal. Or it might point out how much healing you have left to do. For me, it did both.

But it’s also a fantastic story. The tale of a group of child stars coming back together for a reunion and recovering not just their scars but also their deep and pure friendships is touching and terrifying. Overall, this is the kind of book I want to be writing. It was perfect.

So that’s it for today. These are the books I have enjoyed the most this year. Will any of them be on my end-of-the-year roundup? Only time will tell.

What is your favorite book that you’ve read this year? Let us know in the comments.

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Man in The Woods is now available for preorder on Smashwords!

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