What I’m reading, May 2015

Don’t forget to check out the other fine blogs that participate in Modern Mrs. Darcy’s online book club here.

So I just downloaded a metric ton of indie e-books, which I will be ploughing through over the next few months. If I like them, you’ll hear about them. If I don’t, I’ll spare the author my disdain.

Before I did that, though, a lovely friend from my day job loaned me Insurgent, the second in the Divergent series.

I’m not done yet, but I really love it so far. The discription of the people in the different factions is just so enthralling. Like everyone else, I have to play ‘what faction would I be?’ Well, not Candor or Abdication, that’s for sure. Maybe Erudite. Not Dauntless, I’m too lazy.

When I was in high school I had a great teacher who said that the curse of reading too much is that eventually you know what’s coming in every book. That goes double for writers, because we know all the tricks from plot bunnies to guns on the mantle that must go off. So when I say that this book has kept me guessing, understand how impressed by that I am.

If I could ask it of you, if you haven’t seen the movie and haven’t read the book, please read the book first. For the sake of our people, please. But do, for your own sake, read this book.

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